2016年5月6日 星期五

神給的第二次机会 (轉發)

希望這是真的。 Benny Hinn 真是應該要悔改,所有不義的管家都是;很高興見到他有機會醒悟。人子在末世要用大能要揚淨他的場,我們要警醒等待


Benny Hinn 牧师在2016年4月出访南非的见证。

他說在 2015 年 Benny Hinn 牧師心臟病發作, 被送往醫院做心臟外科手術, 在醫院裡他做了一個夢, 夢中他發現自己在天堂門口的長隊伍中,他夢見每個人都穿著白色衣服。耶穌在天堂的大門口穿著與眾人不同的閃亮發光白色衣服。在祂旁邊, Benny Hinn 牧師看到一個彈鋼琴的女人。耶穌用點頭或搖頭的方式來決定這個人是否可以進入天堂的大門。如果這個人是可以進去的,這位鋼琴家將彈出榮耀的旋律,當神榮耀的旋律四處滿溢時天堂的門會自動打開。但如果這個人被拒絕時, 這位鋼琴家將彈出可怕的旋律,這樣惡魔會來把人帶到地獄. 他說:「從整個隊伍中只有 20%的人進入,另外80%的人將會被拒絕。雖然他們是基督徒是牧師,但也只有 20%的人進入。他說每個等在天堂門口的人都在顫抖恐懼戰兢。」

最終輪到 Benny Hinn 牧師, 這位鋼琴家認識牧師 Benny 因為他在地上所做一切事工和知名度, 並向他投去羨慕的笑容. 但當耶穌看著 Benny Hinn 時, 從祂的表情中能看出來,耶穌對他的印象並不深刻. Benny Hinn 牧師站在那裡開始恐懼戰兢, 他知道自己不會通過天堂的大門, 正當耶穌要做這個決定時, 他便從這個夢中醒來. 然後神告訴他不要浪費時間, 這是給他的第二次機會。

于是 Benny Hinn 牧师要特别提醒那些得救很長時間的基督徒. 他說: 「在他所有的事工之中, 其實有兩件事工他要盡職盡責的去做的, 一件是用神給他的恩賜拯救靈魂, 講道, 行神跡. 另外一個事工就是他個人如何每一天與神同行與神建立親密關係. 」但是自從 2010 年他離婚後, 他與神的關係就是分離的. 靈性的死去並且遠離神, 離婚不僅使他失去 700 萬美金和房產, 還有他與神的關係是完全隔絕的. 然而令人驚奇的是, 他知道他失去了神的同在, 但是在他的事工當中他依然可以行很多神跡. 他這樣講, 是因為他是一個偉大的偽裝者, 他偽裝他依然像從前一樣擁有神的同在, 但事實是神的同在已經離開了他.

切記, 因著悔改的救恩所帶下的恩賜, 無論神同在與否, 恩賜一直都在工作, 但進入天堂的大門卻是取決於你與耶穌的關係, 是透過耶穌基督你可以站立在神的面前. 在神的同在中, 不僅 Benny Hinn 牧師或者其他得救時間很長的基督徒, 過去在神面前的服侍, 用一個心智或更深程度的被會眾信任與推崇, 很可能最終會成為每一天在神與人面前的偽裝者. 神譴責定罪 Benny Hinn 牧師, 是他在銷售恩膏與聖水並今天一切屬神的事上, 甚至是在利用教會來賺取經濟上的利益。

Benny Hinn牧師說: 「自從神给了他第二次機會,他的目光不再聚焦在會眾和他人們的觀點上, 而是更多的注重他與神之間的關係, 以至於因著這美好的關係他可以進入天堂的大門." 問題是今天如果像 Benny Hinn 這樣的大牧師, 在天堂的大門前都會發抖恐懼戰兢, 當你我面對天堂的大門又會怎樣呢? 如果你認為你在教會中是得救很久的資深基督徒, 你同樣可以講道, 行神跡. 我相信在這方面 Benny Hinn 牧師比我們眾人做的更完美, 但在天堂大門前能被神接納, 並不是僅僅基於這些. 腓立比書2:12 "這樣看來, 我親愛的弟兄, 你既是常順服的, 不但我在你們那裡, 就是我如今不在你們那裡, 更是順服的, 就當恐懼戰兢作成你們得救的功夫."

神不僅給 Benny Hinn 牧師第二次機會, 更希望當天堂大門關閉前, 所有基督的肢體全世界的未得之民, 都可以在神的恩典和憐憫之中投入神的懷抱, 可以回到永遠的家鄉. 因為那時候, 日子近了. 神使用 Benny Hinn 牧師的這個經歷, 是因為他個人和在公眾面前言語的影響力, 使那些很仰慕甚至崇拜他的人看到做為獨立的個體, 他在天堂大門前的失敗, 也同樣警醒我們, 現在是起來在神面前真實悔改的時候了, 是放下人所賜的頭銜與地位, 來尋求神的憐憫, 使我們有資格可以進入堂之門. 請把這信息發給你所愛的人, 是要奮起傳福音, 並使我們的靈魂覺醒的時候了.

"THE GOD OF A SECOND CHANCE " a Testimony of Pastor Benny Hinn on his tour to South Africa in April 2016.
Please pay attention to his detailed testimony. He says in 2015 he had heart attack and was taken to the hospital for heart surgery and while in the hospital he had a dream and in that dream he found himself in a long queue at the gate of heaven and everyone was dressed in white garment. At the gate was Jesus dressed in a shiny sparkling white garment different from everyone and beside him Pastor Benny Hinn saw a woman that was playing a piano. Jesus would nod his head in signal as to whether a person was accepted or denied to enter. If it was a yes, the pianist would play glorious melodies and the glory was overwhelming and the gates would automatically open but if it was a denial the pianist would play horrible melodies and demons would come to take the person away to hell. He says, out of the whole queue only 20 percent entered but 80 percent were denied. They were all Christians and full of pastors but only 20 percent entered. He says everyone was trembling as they were waiting on the que. He says eventually Pastor Benny Hinn's turn came and the pianist knew Pastor Benny and smiled at him in admiration of his record amongst the people on earth but when Jesus looked at Benny Hinn, his look could tell that he was not impressed with Pastor Benny Hinn, and Pastor Hinn says his trembling and fear had increased knowing that he would not be able to make it through that gate and when Jesus was about to make his decision, then he woke up and God said to him "Don't blow up this time, this is your second chance"

Pastor Benny Hinn then explained something that every long serving christian need to take note of. He said all through his ministry he had two ministry duties, one was to serve the people with his gift that God has given him ie preaching and performing miracles and the other ministry was his personal walk with God ie. his fellowship with God on everyday basis. He says but from 2010 as he passed through a divorce his relationship with God became dead and God was far away. He says through the divorce he lost about 7 million dollars and his house and his relationship with God was gone totally. The amazing thing is that he says when he knew that he is no longer with God thus when he saw many miracles in his ministry. He says that, because he is a great pretender so he pretended before the people as if he is with God and yet he was not.

(remember the gifts of God are without repentance that is to say whether you are with God or not the gift will still work, but to enter the gate of heaven it will be your relationship with God ie your right standing with God through Jesus Christ) " As to pretence, it is not only Pastor Benny Hinn but any long serving christian becomes used to the things of God and eventually pretence becomes his everyday walk before the people and one minds more of the degree and opinion that the crowds hold on him than what God says" pastor Benny Hinn now condemns the selling of anointing oils and holy waters and any thing of God that today pastors sell in churches to make money.

He says since God has given him a second chance his focus is no longer on the crowds and their opinions but on his personal relationship with God so that he may enter that gate. The question is if Pastor Benny Hinn was trembling and sweating at the gate in fear that he would not make it, what about you when you will face the gate. If we think because of our long serving in the church, or preaching, or works or miracle performance, I think he has out done most of us and yet God's acceptance at the gate is not based on these. "Phil 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

God has not given Pastor Benny Hinn alone this second chance but the whole body of christ world wide to walk home into his arms through his grace and mercy before the door closes which is very shortly. God has used Pastor Benny Hinn in this case because of his influence and the public opinion that people have on him and of how much an individual would then realise of his short fall before that gate. Its time to seek repentance before God, its time to drop down titles given by men in search for God's mercy that enables one to enter through that gate. Its time for evangelising and awakening of our souls.

4 則留言:

  1. 請注意轉發文章的真實性, 先要求證. Hinn 是爭議性很高的人, 我個人是不會相信他說的話, 認爲他是個不誠實的人,


  2. 他需要悔改許多事,但我不認爲他這次說謊。因為他所說的對他自己很不利,又沒有帶來什麼好處

  3. 我只在想會不會是黑他的文

  4. 是, 他並沒有說過這些話, 他樹大招風, 各種傳言都有. 來源不明的文章, 最好不要轉貼.

    May God have mercy on his soul.
